Posts tagged mousestalgia
Episode 109 - Disney's Haunted Mansion with Jeff Baham

Welcome, foolish mortals, to Episode 109 of The Bobcast! Chef Mayhem, er, Jeff Baham is THE source for all things Disney’s Haunted Mansion. Jeff is the force behind the greatest Haunted Mansion website ever created, Jeff wrote a book all about Disney’s Haunted Mansion. Jeff hosts three podcasts that deal with Disney and the Haunted Mansion. You might think the guy is a little obsessed with the Haunted Mansion at this point? Yes, I think so, but what a lovely obsession it is! Jeff and I talk all about his life, his work and of course, the Haunted Mansion. How would Jeff change the Mansion if he could go back in time? Are there REAL ghosts roaming the hallowed halls of the Mansion? Did a REAL haunted mansion inspire Walt Disney in his desire to see a haunted house attraction in his perfect theme park? Listen to this episode and there’s no need for any “messages from beyond” to answer those questions! Brought to you by Sticker Junkie. Cover version of “Grim Grinning Ghosts” performed by Pulley. Here are some links!

Doombuggies Website

Jeff’s Podcasts - Mousetalgia Doom Buggies Spook Show Storied

Buy Jeff’s awesome book on Amazon

Check out Pulley HERE


Intro and outro song written and performed by Se Vende.

Intro and outro background music - “Happy Haunts” Music composed, performed and recorded by Aaron Kenny.

Pulley appears courtesy of themselves. “Grim Grinning Ghosts” totally belongs to Disney and no one else.